We're Here For You
Going through a divorce is most often a very challenging process - financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Your way of life may change dramatically as you are faced with legal and relationship conflicts, endless discussions, heated arguments, complicated negotiations, and a myriad of choices and decisions to make.
Communication between you and your spouse, often difficult under any circumstances, may become excruciatingly painful as you argue about the custody and care of your children, how much time you'll each have with them, and who is going to pay for what. While you're in the divorcing process it is hard to be vulnerable and attempt to heal and complete the past. You are angry, your spouse is angry and fighting comes all too easy.
And yet, just as you must resolve your legal issues, healing and completing is exactly what can and should take place.
At this time it is important to have a positive support network - good friends, family and professionals who will listen patiently and give sound advice sparingly. You do not need someone egging you on with unrealistic expectations and hurtful strategies of punishment and revenge.
One of the ways we like to support our present and past clients, as well as others similarly situated, is with our Divorce Support Group.
We meet the third Wednesday of every month from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. It is led by an attorney/mediator and/or a therapist/mediator. Using a combination of education, exercises, group encouragement and sharing, participants receive support in coping with the divorce process, learning about the law, improving communication skills, and getting the perspective of others who are also going, through the challenging process of ending a marriage.
The charge is only $20 per person. You may come with or without your spouse.
To register for the next session, please go to our Meetup page: